CAMP2Ex Dropsondes (Revision 1): 2019-10-01_SF17 Drops

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Drop notes: Good drop. Characterizing environment off W coast of Luzon to E/NE of some offshore deep convection. Prominent dry layer ~18% RH between 550-600 mb not assoc w/ any inversion, very moist below 625 mb


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Drop notes: Slightly late winds acquired around 1:20. Dropped to NW of Luzon in slightly less convectively active region with scattered shallow cumulus and a few middling-depth towers. overall drier environment, especially above 700 mb


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Drop notes: Good drop. Dropped to SW of a SW-NE shallow cloud street we passed along the spine of in both directions. Profile is qualitatively quite similar (and I think close in spatial location) to S02


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Drop notes: Good drop. Launched at top of box spiral in China Plume region, to E of SW-NE cloud street that was sampled


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Drop notes: Late winds obtained after ~1:20. Launched along PP run/hi alt transect of cloud street sampled, 1st of 3


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Drop notes: Late winds obtained after ~1:30. Launched along PP run/hi alt transect of cloud street sampled, 2nd of 3


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Drop notes: Good drop. Launched along PP run/hi alt transect of cloud street sampled, 3rd of 3


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Drop notes: Launched en route to WorldView satellite overpass. No launch detect, collected some data but then lost signal around 675 mb. Data was transmitting at a lower-than-usual frequency anyway


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Drop notes: Weird telemetry on this drop, did not transmit data from 4s post launch til 27s post launch, but was OK after that. Good winds when signal came back at 27s as well. Launched near WorldView overpass point


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Drop notes: Good drop. Launched well to the North of Luzon, along what I think was an HSRL run to a bullseye? Over scattered/cloud-street cumulus


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Drop notes: Very late winds acquired ~5:20 post launch. Dropped in clear air region NE of S10 far North of Luzon


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Drop notes: Late winds obtained around 3:20. Dropped on SW end of SW-NE cloud line, where some slightly more substantial shallow cu were present than on the NE end of the line.