CAMP2Ex Dropsondes (Revision 1): 2019-09-08_SF07 Drops

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Drop notes: Late winds, in transit to convection area bullseye, east of Luzon. Mostly clear below with some thin cloud. Slightly late winds >~1 minute post-drop


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Drop notes: Late winds, Dropped before convective line while heading north. Significantly late (>2 mins post launch) on this drop. Mostly clear below.


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Drop notes: Good drop, mostly clear air beneath with possible shallow cloud layer around 675 mb


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Drop notes: Late winds received approx 2 mins after launch. Dropped along edge of convective line, shallow cu to left of plane, clear to right of plane


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Drop notes: Good drop, launched right into convective tower. Very moist at high levels, drier at > 750 mb - perhaps advected out of tower. Potential cold pool at surface?


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Drop notes: Good drop. Launched behind advancing cold pool, telltale surface inversion, humidity, windshift


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Drop notes: Good drop, dropped ahead of advancing cold pool from drop 6. May have passed thru or near a cloud layer close to surface - slight inversion and humidity spike to 95% RH


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Drop notes: Good drop. Air beneath had several cloud layers present - 2 or 3 alto layers and a few sc'd cu near the surface. Hit moist layer if not cloud itself at 950 mb


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Drop notes: Good drop, launched 2 minutes after passing over Sally Ride towards NW. Optically thick alto layer beneath plane, likely shallow cu/stratocu near surface. Large wind shifts from 450 mb to 650 mb, and 900 mb to surface


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Drop notes: Very late winds, not obtained until 875 mb. Dropped in region of active convection topped by alto layers near (but heading away from) Sally Ride