CAMP2Ex Dropsondes (Revision 1): 2019-09-06_SF06 Drops

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Drop notes: Looks like the sonde hit cloud around 725 hpa. Field of puffy cu below, looks like a good drop.


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Drop notes: Good drop into a layer of what looked like cloud streets (vs the earlier drop that was into more uniform cloud). Looks like sonde again hit cloud around 750 hpa.


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Drop notes: Good drop, in the vicinity of strong convection.


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Drop notes: Partial fast fall and late winds. Dropped after the Lear departed in the area we were working SW-NE.


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Drop notes: Very late winds, didn't look like a fast fall though per PTU vertical speed. Unsure what the cause- this is the second late winds in the past two drops.


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Drop notes: Great drop into area near Mindoro Straight to get environmental conditions.


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Drop notes: Dropped into an altocu layer right below the plane. Looks like a good drop, with us hitting cloud pretty quickly after dropping.


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Drop notes: I started data colection about 5 seconds after dropping (forgot to hit continue) but otherwise looks good. Drop through the environment to get an idea of convective environment before the lear gets back.


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Drop notes: Good drop, launched at top of box spiral.